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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A new design??

A new look???

Yessiree...Happy 2011 to me!

I have been sitting here since 2:00 a.m. not sleeping (which I will hate myself for later) musing about the things that I have on my list for 2011. I've been trying to 'resize' my caboose since the new year and since that endeavor seems to be not happening anytime soon, I figured I would see what I could do to perk up the ol' blog. Yay -- one thing off my list. I didn't even know it was on my to-do list...perhaps that is the best time to let your creativity loose because, I have to say, it worked for me!

I like it.
It feels more like ME.

And now, I should try to sleep before my kids are up in an hour. Yeesh.

I hope you are all having a lovely week!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wow...has it really been a few weeks since I posted? Yikes. I really need to be more punctual in 2011. Ah, there is a resolution for the new year. So what have you been up to? I am currently lying in bed like a blob due to what appears to be the Flu. And yes, I did get a flu shot this year. So much for that $25.

Anyhoo, while sitting here, I was reviewing my photos from the last couple of months and thought I would share some with you. Here they are in no particular order...

Our pup, Gus. Did you notice he is laying on a pillow, TUCKED IN? Spoiled....um, yes indeed.

My girlie-q's. I cannot believe how much they look like their dad. I am starting to wonder if I had anything to do with their birth....nope, I remember the physical pain. And did I mention that my blondie was almost 10 lbs?? Gaah.

This is my daughter's dog holiday vignette. She set it up and she took the pix. Great, huh?

My lovely kidlings. My oldest is 23!
How is that possible if I am only 29? Heh.
So there you have it. A slice of my December. I hope you and your families had a wonderful New Year's celebration. I will be back at the craftiness once I feel better. Hopefully soon!

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